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    How to design the fire control system of container energy storage, data center, generator set, etc.

    2022-10-24 09:44:54


    With the proposal and promotion of the modular concept, container, as a good carrier, has the characteristics of high reliability, high convenience, low power consumption and perfect monitoring, so it has become an important part of modular buildings. All kinds of container energy storage, container data center, container generator set and other new buildings emerge at the historic moment, which promotes the development of modular buildings.

    With the proposal and promotion of the modular concept, container, as a good carrier, has the characteristics of high reliability, high convenience, low power consumption and perfect monitoring, so it has become an important part of modular buildings. All kinds of container energy storage, container data center, container generator set and other new buildings emerge at the historic moment, which promotes the development of modular buildings.

    Various container modules

    For this kind of container-type building, a good fire system is also indispensable, which is also a necessary condition to ensure its safe operation and the safety of people inside and around. So, how should this kind of container building design fire protection system?

    First of all, before designing the fire protection system, we should make clear the purpose of different containers. At present, they can be divided into the following categories:

    1 Conventional container: refers to a certain strength, stiffness and specifications of the large container for turnover use.

    2 Container data center: Simply put, the data center is not located in the machine room, but to find a large container, placed in the open space with the network and power.

    Container generator set: adopts standard container structure box, built-in diesel generator set, and supporting special complete sets of equipment and accessories.

    4 Container archive room: The container has good sealing, and it can become a mobile archive room after modification to add insulation layer and air conditioning, window ventilator, hood and other devices.

    5. Refitting of other containers: including but not limited to refitting catering stations, libraries, art exhibition rooms, expo rooms, science and technology rooms, etc.

    After distinguishing the nature of the container, we can design a suitable system for it.

    1. Container data center, container generator set, container energy storage device: This kind of building stores relatively dense precision instruments, energy storage batteries, generators and so on. In addition to the design of heat dissipation and refrigeration, HFC-2propane gas automatic fire extinguishing system can be configured, which has been mature in general computer room, data center, and power distribution room. Hanging type, cabinet type, pipe network type, etc.

    Hfc-227ea electromagnetic suspended fire extinguishing device is composed of fire extinguishing agent storage tank, electromagnetic driving component, sprinkler head, pressure display component and signal feedback component. It can be suspended or fixed in the container box. It is a set of automatic fire extinguishing system with fire detection component, fire alarm and fire extinguishing controller, which has the characteristics of no land area and easy installation. For smaller containers, HFC-227ea fixed temperature hanging fire extinguishing device can be used.

    Hfc-2propane cabinet fire extinguishing device independent complete set, flexible installation, beautiful appearance. Its fire extinguishing efficiency is high and speed is fast. And compared with the pipe network, it has no cylinder room, can be installed inside the protected area. It is connected with the automatic fire alarm controller, and can also be connected with the control center to give users a convenient and flexible choice.

    Hfc-227ea has pipe network fire extinguishing device, which is suitable for single large container or modules composed of multiple containers, such as photovoltaic energy storage system, modular data center, etc. Pipelines and sprinkler heads can be laid according to the actual situation. The area for storing gas cylinders can be set up inside or outside the container.

    2 Conventional containers and other containers can be modified according to the nature of use and different cargo configuration, such as fixed for the loading of electronic products, precision instruments, important archives, gas fire system can be configured, such as HFC-227ea, carbon dioxide, etc.

    As for the specific configuration of the system, users can look for professional fire equipment manufacturers, according to the size of the container, the internal structure of the situation, design a set of appropriate scheme, to quickly extinguish the fire, to ensure the normal operation of this type of container building.

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